Area of Concentration: Mechanical Sciences


Research Line - Characterization and Processing of Materials


Application of the Robotized FCAW Process with Addition of Cold Wire in Naval Construction

Coordinator (s): Eduardo de Magalhães Braga

Start date: 01/03/2011

Financing: Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S / A Eletronorte - (Projects PDI - Masters Scholarships)


Physical, Mechanical and Microstructural Characteristics of Natural Fibers of Pará

Coordinator (s): Roberto Tetsuo Fujiyama

Start date: 01/01/2012



Characterization of Aluminum Binary and Multicomponent Alloys in Horizontal Directional Solidification

Coordinator (s): Otávio Fernandes Lima da Rocha

Start date: 03/01/2013



Development of Metallic Coating Techniques and Evaluation of Degradation of NI Steels and Alloys

Coordinator (s): Carlos Alberto Mendes da Mota

Start date: 01/01/2008



Development of Polymer Matrix of Polyester Type in Composite Materials Reinforced by Continuous and Aligned Natural Fibers: influence of different surface treatments

Coordinator (s): Roberto Tetsuo Fujiyama

Start date: 03/03/2014



Development and Implementation of a Multipurpose Miniature Bulb-type Reactor with Supervision and Computerized Control for Experimental Processes of Biomaterials Used in Artificial Prostheses and Joints

Coordinator (s): Carmen Gilda Barroso Tavares Dias

Start date: 03/03/2014



Sustainable Sport: rowing and recycling

Coordinator (s): Carmen Gilda Barroso Tavares Dias

Start date: 01/01/2012



Composite Materials Study of Hybrid Natural Polyester Matrix and Reinforcement of Natural Fibers

Coordinator (s): Roberto Tetsuo Fujiyama

Start date: 03/01/2013



Study and Evaluation of Dissimilar Joint Welding Procedures Considering the Subsea Applications of the Oil and Natural Gas Sector

Coordinator (s): Carlos Alberto Mendes da Mota

Start date: 01/01/2011



Geological and Process Parameters Studies to Enable the Technical-Scientific Solutions, Demanded by the Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Productive Chain of the State of Pará

Coordinator (s): Eduardo de Magalhães Braga

Start date: 01/01/2012



Studies to Obtain Heat-Resistant Aluminum Alloys from Modification of Al_EC with Zirconium [Zr]; Titanium [Ti] and Nickel [Ni] for Application in the Manufacture of Wires and Cables for Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power

Coordinator: José Maria do Vale Quaresma

Start date: 01/03/2010



Extension Project UNION

Coordinator (s): Carlos Alberto Mendes da Mota

Start date: 01/03/1999



Research Line - Energy Conversion and Environment


Experimental Study of Wind Turbines Operating under the Low Wind Speed ​​Condition

Coordinator (s): André Luiz Amarante Mesquita

Start date: 11/11/2013



Production and Use of Thin Biomass in Co-Firing with Coal in Blast Furnaces

Coordinator (s): Manoel Fernandes Martins Nogueira

Start date: 01/01/2012



Design and Construction of a Small-Scale Horizontal Axis Turbine with Low Speed ​​Conditioned Diffuser

Coordinator (s): Jerson Rogério Pinheiro Vaz

Start date: 12/11/2012

Financing: National Scientific and Technological Development Consortium - (Financial Aid)


Reduction of the Specific Consumption of Diesel Generator Group Stage I

Coordinator (s): Manoel Fernandes Martins Nogueira

Start date: 03/03/2014



Telemetry for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Coordinator (s): Jerson Rogério Pinheiro Vaz

Start date: 03/01/2013



Hydrokinetic Hydraulic Turbines to Reuse the Potential in Hydropower Plants

Coordinator (s): Andre Luiz Amarante Mesquita

Start date: 02/01/2012

Financing: Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S / A Eletronorte - (Projects PDI - Masters Scholarships)


Research Line - Vibrations and Acoustics


Development of Mathematical Models of Hydrogenerators for Characterization of Electromagnetic, Thermal and Dynamic Behavior

Coordinator (s): Newton Sure Soeiro

Start date: 01/03/2007

Financing: Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S / A Eletronorte - (Projects PDI - Masters Scholarships)


Development of Tools for Optimizing the Performance of Windplane Structures and Cable Assemblies Submitted to Wind Action through Linear and Nonlinear Analysis

Coordinator (s): Newton Sure Soeiro

Start date: 01/03/2011

Financing: Centrais Elétricas do Norte do Brasil S / A Eletronorte - (Projects PDI - Masters Scholarships)